What We Do
While SDCIA supports all aspects of crop production, its primary focus is in these areas:
Support of basic and applied research at South Dakota State University.
Support and participation in disseminating new technologies resulting from research applicable to members, including support of the SDSU Extension.
Education of members and the general public regarding the Association's goals and mission.
Promoting production and use of quality seed of improved varieties and hybrids.
Promoting use of Certified seed in crop production.
Article II of the SDCIA Constitution states that the organization shall be operated to promote the interests of South Dakota agriculture by increasing the efficiency of farm crop production and the income derived from it through improved varieties, high-quality seed, plant disease control and sound agricultural practices. The Constitution specifies these functions:
To collect and disseminate information concerning the growing, harvesting, conditioning, storing and handling of superior field crop seeds and other information of value.
To cooperate with South Dakota State University in the introduction and distribution of seed stocks and propagation of materials of improved crop varieties.
To support agricultural research that furthers the purposes of this corporation.
To cooperate with the South Dakota Foundation Seed Stock Division and other such organizations in surrounding states in the increase and distribution of Breeder and Foundation Seed stocks.
To encourage the authorized propagation of seed of superior varieties, the general use of improved varieties and better production practices.
To foster, promote and otherwise aid auxiliary crop improvement associations throughout the state.
To cooperate with other agencies in supporting and sponsoring educational activities related to improved seed and production practices.
To develop, establish and adopt rules, regulations and standards for the growing, conditioning and certification and other related value added seed and grain programs.
To develop, establish and adopt a uniform nomenclature for all classes of certified and Quality Assurance (QA) seed, and Identity Preserved (IP) grain to require the use of uniform and distinct tags, emblems, marks or certificates for seed officially certified and grain labeled under standards and guidelines established by the Association.
To verify eligibility of planting stocks, to carry out such field and seed inspection services as required in seed certification, QA, IP and other such value added programs developed to designate lots of seed/grain with appropriate identification as to class, and to issue tags, certificates and other documentary evidence.
To participate in interagency certification and inspection protocol of seeds and value added grain in accordance with the rules and regulations of the and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).To publicize, advertise and otherwise promote the merits and use of high quality seed produced according to the standards and guidelines of the respective programs.